11 Dec Games – Collecting toys
Games – Collecting toys
A very useful game, in many ways – less work for you, more stimulation for the dog. A clicker can be a good help here. It would be good to get a dog training clicker. It does not cost much, and it can be a helpful tool. If you have not heard of the clicker, it’s a dress tool for the dresser, and it’s got the name by the sound you produce it. It works according to the principle of Pavlov’s bell (subtle version). Reward any good thing with food or the way you have accustomed to your dog, but rewarding should go in pairs with the marquee’s sound so that the dog learns to associate sound with positive correlation. Name the toy you want to play, and reward the dog with the sound of the clicker each time it approaches the target toy, then when it is taken, when it is placed near the box. As in the previous game, every approach is rewarded, until the dog learns to insert the toy into the box. You can gradually increase the number of toys. For a dog, it is a mental stimulus and a game with other dogs, driving a car, walking to unknown trails, as well as any new instruction it teaches. It would not be bad to learn basic commands before it starts to collect toys and adds things to you. Go from simple to complex and have patience. In most cases, failure will not have to do with the intelligence of a dog, but with how much you are a good teacher.